How to Create a Page-Turner
The Rule Regardless of premise, prose, or point of view, there is one rule for creating “page-turning” fiction: Pay out action and character development at equal rates.
Software Architect, Author, Musician, Dude.
The Rule Regardless of premise, prose, or point of view, there is one rule for creating “page-turning” fiction: Pay out action and character development at equal rates.
When writers include real places in fiction, they now have more tools than ever for making sure they get the description right. Services like Google Maps & Street View, Bing, Flickr, and countless others make it easy to catch glimpses of your target location from many angles. Without ever having been there, theoretically, you should be able Read More …
Since you are the writer, why not play God? In a previous post on deepening POV in fiction, I focused on the third person limited mode, wherein the point of view is limited to a single character for the duration of a scene, chapter, part, or the whole story. The gist of that Read More …