Break Free of the Realtime Jail: Audio-modulated HD Video with Three.js

Previously, in the ongoing chronicle of our quest to build a music visualizer for recording artists, I discussed my attempt to render thirty audio-modulated frames per second with Three.js and send them to the server in realtime for compiling into a video. What I discovered was that this is impossible with ordinary hardware, Read More …

WebGL Performance Challenge: Render Thirty Frames per Second and Send them to the Server

In my last update, I discussed using for the implementation of persistent server connections in our music visualizer app. This week, we inch closer to our ultimate goal of rendering thirty frames per second with Three.js and sending them to the to the server for rendering to video. Great strides were made, but I also Read More …

Should I Render Three.js to Video on the Client or Server?

I’m working on an exciting new geegaw with a business partner and old friend in Seattle. It’s a 3D music visualizer built in HTML5 / WebGL using PureMVC, React, and Three.js. We already have a solid, extendable client framework, and some great stuff going on in the rendered scene, which the user can Read More …